Sunday, July 29, 2007

How to make the right choice to get to your goals.

Hey Phitties!

This is a tip that's true for phitness of the physical type as well as mental, emotional and spiritual types. And, since as people we are more than one dimensional - I thought you enjoy knowing how to SUCCEED.

And here's your answer.

It's always hard making the right choices about what you do. Go to bed early, get up early, write one last post, exercise, eat right - whatever! The good news is you can always make the right choice! How? Do the thing that gets you to your goal, that moves you one step closer to your future, that helps you to fulfill your PURPOSE. If you do that - you'll make the right choices - I guarantee it.

Now - if you don't know what your purpose is, or what your destiny is - then check here and learn!

Destiny AG

Now go ROCK the world!


CyberGal said...

I appreciate the way you take the fear out of concepts like 'diet' and 'exercise'. I have started a plan to loose 1 lb. a week. That's a lousy 500 calorie decrease for each day. I can do that!

I plan to walk an hour every day, unless soreness tells me I need to take a day off. I can do that too.

When I break it into small pieces I lose all that "I'll never get to have chocolate cake again" problem. That not ever/never business used to drive me into binge eating. God is showing me that there is always enough. With His help I may actually be able to improve my health slowly enough to build a sane life style. You think?

PhillyMac said...

I do think! That's an excellent plan cybergal. In fact if you just leave out that piece of cake most days, that will probably save you more than 500 calories. And, the walking for an hour will be great too.

Regarding the walking - if there are some days you can't make the hour - don't fret. Even 20 minutes will help you out towards your goal.

Rock on!