Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The End of the Day

You've been up early. Rode the train. Got stuck next to the lady that took a perfume bath and the whole car stank of her ode' du toilet. You've slaved on the job all day, stressed to get everything you needed done, then you dragged your butt home on the train next to the guy that had a critical deodorant failure about two hours before you got on the train. You fought your way out of the parking lot and you're finally home almost 12 hours later.

Good grief. You just want to lie down and sleep! But don't!

NOW is the time to take control. Make this part of the day the part that pays for you. Sure you're tired, sure you may even be mentally exhausted, and that makes it an even BETTER opportunity to exercise, pump up the endorphins and re-energize!

Sure, I know it's not easy. And yes, I know that the kids may be waiting at home, your spouse may be waiting for you, maybe a long drive may have wiped you out. I also know that when you come home tired, look for the snack, have some carbs, munch until you make dinner - that by the time you get to dinner, you've probably already consumed the amount of calories you should have had for dinner! Because you're tired, you'll eat worse and eat more. BUT

When you come home and exercise, even if it's just a little walk, you'll feel better, your mind will be clearer. You'll rev up your metabolism. Essentially, you'll turn the most potentially damaging part of the day into your HOUR OF POWER!

So, it's the end of the day. PWN it! Rock it now and you'll be even more phabulous tomorrow.

See you soon my phab phitties! And hey! I want some success stories! Tell me how you're doing in the comments!


Jon Swanson said...

exercise? At the end of the day?

Oh, wait. If I go for a long walk with my wife, even if it is after supper, does that count?

CyberGal said...

Exercise at end of day? are you NUTZ?

Even though I'm still single, sex as a day-ender seemed like a much better idea.
Guy goes to the DR because there is just no passion in his marriage anymore.

DR tells him to go home, grab his wife and make passionate love to her, right there in the living room!

Guy isn't too enthusiastic, but agrees to the plan.

The next week his MD enquires how his new approach worked.

Guy sighs: "Well, I guess it was OK, but her bridge club loved it."
Well, I made you chuckle, that's about as much exercise as I have energy for at the end of the day.

PhillyMac said...

Yes Jon, it does!

PhillyMac said...

Cybergal - no comment.