Saturday, June 23, 2012

P90X (R) - Core Syngergistics (however you spell it!)

Hola peoples!

It was Saturday, it's my 7th day in a row working out (something I don't normally do) because I had gotten behind last week. I know this was week four - which is kind of a rest week - so I figured I could get my body through it.  I am going to rest tomorrow before hitting my first Phase II workout on Monday (that one looks like a beast!)

Till then, I did the core workout - it is absolutely my favorite of everything so far (though I love the muscle I'm building and the strength I'm gaining from the chin ups!

HEY!!! If you're not registered on  WOWY - don't forget to get on, get registered and put in your workouts. Every day you do you have a chance to win $500.


I'm a Beachbody Coach (and I'd love to be yours if the position is open!) and Coaching is FREE

The reason WHY I'm a Beachbody coach, Shakeology, The HEALTHIEST meal of the day!

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