Tuesday, June 5, 2012

P90X(R) Day8 - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

So, I had to fly to Vegas for a conference. I didn't feel well and ended up being away until almost 3:00 am Sunday night (Monday morning) before I finally got to sleep, then I didn't sleep well but I needed to stay in bed and get some rest so I couldn't get up early to work out before heading to the airport.

Blown day?


I landed in Vegas, got to the hotel. Found out where the workout facility was (the "spa" - said with heavy affectation), put on my training garb, grabbed a towel and my MacBook Air and took Tony and the crowd down to the gym.  Then I CRUSHED IT.  Yes, there were guys that were working out that started doing a lot of the moves that I was doing for P90X. :)

You need to find the time, you know you can, it's all for your benefit.

Keep pushing play folks!


The REASON why I became a coach! Shakeology, the BEST meal of the day.

Get into the GYM with me. The WOWY Supergym (R)


Unknown said...

Good for you! :-) Just be careful about too many days with little sleep. It will come back to bite you when you're doing P90X and trying to keep up!

PhillyMac said...

Thanks Fred :-) No worries, I'll be getting sleep tonight! Insanity was the same way.