Tuesday, May 29, 2012

P90X - Day 1 - Chest and Back

Today I took my first step in the journey! Yes, I've finally switched from #Insanity to P90X. So far, I'm loving it. Of course tomorrow I'm doing Plyo... so yah, essentially insanity again ;-)

It was great getting out the weights and going at it. Good workout without the total craziness of Insanity. My muscles were still shaking at the end.

Push PLAY baby!




Dennis said...

I've heard of P90X but never tried it. I was really into weight lifting in high school and up until about 8 years ago. I am really out of shape right now and currently using another program so that I can drop some pounds and get fit!

Unknown said...

Good for you, Phil! You've been through Insanity, so you're prepared for this level of intensity. When I started my first round of P90X a couple of years ago, it was a shock to the system. I paced myself, though, and improved in a lot of areas.

PhillyMac said...

Hey Dennis. P90x might not be the best place to start for you right now but it is a great workout. Back in the day, I started with Tony's first release called (wait for it) Power 90 (or P90). It's a great program that steps you up. By the end you'll be working it.

If you'd like to find out more about P90 or any of the other cool Beachbody programs, just let me know. Feel free to visit my Beachbody coach page as well, you'll see a navigation tab for products on the left hand side. Of course, feel free to ping me on G+ too :)

PhillyMac said...

PS Dennis: and yes, you can ping me on Twitter, FB or where ever else too ;)

PhillyMac said...

Thanks Fred! :-) I still have to pace myself, Insanity doesn't have all the weights and upper body stuff, but that's why I'm looking forward to P90X :-)