Wednesday, May 30, 2012

P90X Day 2 - Plyometrics

You'd think that a 2x grad of Insanity would be able to do this workout in a walk. If you did, you'd think wrong.  The pace is certainly slower (more like a rest week workout for pace) than your typical Insanity workout - but the different range of motion and complete focus on the legs (right, no getting down and doing level 1, 2 or 3 drills in this workout) had me perspiring like a swine with dead legs at the end.  I don't think this will ever be my favorite plyo workout, but it was a very necessary change because my chest and abs are still feeling it from Day 1's workout!

Till next time... KEEP PUSHING PLAY

Beachbody Coach (and I'd love to be yours if the position is open!)

The HEALTHIEST meal of the day!


Unknown said...

I found that the P90X workouts never got easier, because I improved my performance, or on some days it was a little harder to keep up the pace.

PhillyMac said...

I agree, they should never get easier! Gotta DIG DEEPER.